Lord we pray "Help me to continually increase parish vitality and reflect the presence of Christ in the world."

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Priest Sues Gay Hookup App Grindr Over Data Leak


Paris Olympics 2024 and the Catholic Church’s Enduring Love for Sports


Beyond the Games: How Sports Can Help Kindle the Flame of Holiness


Life After Death With C.S. Lewis


The Best Photos From the National Eucharistic Congress


3 Ways My 65-Day Walk With Jesus Across America Changed Me Forever


Chaldean bishops reject same-sex unions (CNA)

The bishops of the Chaldean Catholic Church have stated that they will not recognize “the union of two people of the same sex.”

At a meeting of the Chaldean Synod, the bishops said that marriage can only be a union between a man and a woman to form a family. The Synod also called for steps to prevent children from sexual abuse.

Archdiocesan prayer rally opposes divorce initiative in Philippines (Crux)

The Archdiocese of Cebu is organizing a prayer rally on July 27 to support marriage and spur opposition to a bid to legalize divorce in the Philippines.

Archbishop Jose Palma said that event is “a thanksgiving to the Lord for the gift of family, the gift of the sacrament, and the gift of the many who have become witnesses to the marriage that has contributed to the welfare of many families.”

Prominent Russian Orthodox prelate suspended (Orthodox Times)

The Russian Orthodox Patriarchate of Moscow has announced that Metropolitan Hilarion has been suspended “temporarily” from his post as head of the Budapest diocese, during an investigation of his leadership.

Although the announcement did not specify the reason for the investigation, a recent story in Novaya Gazeta Europe had disclosed that Metropolitan Hilarion has been charged with sexual harassment by a subdeacon who lived with him. Hilarion has denied the charge, and claimed that he is being blackmailed.

Metropolitan Hilarion is one of the most prominent prelates in the Russian Orthodox Church, having served as the head of the patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations—in effect, the “foreign minister” of the Russian Orthodox Church. He was dismissed from that role in 2022 amid suggestions that he was not sufficiently supportive of Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine. Ironically the newspaper that aired the complaint against him, Novaya Gazeta Europe, has also been accused of sympathy for Ukraine, and is classified by the Russian government as an “undesirable organization.”

Knights of Malta deliver food relief to Gaza (Jerusalem Patriarchate)

The Latin-rite Patriarchate of Jerusalem has announced the successful delivery of relief supplies to the single Catholic parish in Gaza.

About 40 tons of food were delivered on July 23, supplied through the Knights of Malta, the patriarchate reported. Packages of non-perishable food items, which should be sufficient to feed a family of five for a month, are now being distributed among the many families in need.